Our teacher gave us a site to look at that had multiple versions of old Optical Toys and state our opinion. I think this is a very cool site. It has a bunch of examples of toys and objects used to entertain with motion picture. If you click on each thumbnail it brings you to a page that tells you about what the object is. I think my favourite is the Phenakistoscope, it creates the illusion of movement by a series of pictures on a disk spinning continuously. The link to the site is to the side on the link list.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Pinhole Photography site
I like this site because it has some really nice pinhole photos
the link is in my link list to the side.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Pinhole Photography
The photos above are Pinhole photos.
Our cyberARTS class took a trip down to gallery 44 to do a pinhole photography workshop. I found the workshop and activities very intresting. When we were given the forms for the trip it said that we would need a coffee tin with a lid. When we asked why our teacher said that we would be making a camera out of it. When we arrived at the gallery with out tin cans we went to a studio room and were sat down and had a brief presentation about pinhole photography, after that we began to construct our cameras. It was really easy to make the cameras. The first thing we had to do was spray paint the inside black with non-gloss spray pain. Once that was done we made a small hole about 2 cm round after that we took thin tin from muffin holders and poked a pin sized hole about 1/3 of a cm. The tin was taped over the hole with black eletrical tape so that it was light tight. After that all you had to do was put photo paper in the can (making sure the hole was covered) and put the lid on. (The loading of the camera was done in the dark room).The expereance I had was amazing. I learned how to make a camera out of a can, develop my own photos and spend the whole day downtown taking photos.
A pinhole camera is a simple but complicated camera to use. It is very simple because all you have to do it place the camera and un cover the appeture (lense), but it can be complicated if you dont know how long your exposure has to be, meaning how long you have to leave the camera for. A pinhole camera is very different then a digital camera. With a pinhole camera you can not view your photo until you fully develop it and turn your negitaves in to a positave,Unlike the digital where you have a viewing screen. A pinhole camera also takes any where from 30 sec. to 1min or more. The way a pinhole camera works is that when the apiture is uncovered it takes in all the light and projects an image on the photo paper inside. Wich becomes your negitave. Then you take it back and develop it.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Graphic Design
In my cyberARTS class we had to find a graphic design site i chose 99 graphic design resources. I chose it because i found it was very inspirational. This web site has a lot of graphic design links. This site is also a blog, and has numerous articles about things like how to design a logo, 99 sites designers must know. The link to this site will be in my link list to the side.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 7:51 AM 0 comments
This photo I took demonstraits selective focus. Selective focus is where one thing is empisized or focused and the rest of the photo is blurred or dulled.
This photo I took represets camera angle. Camera angel is the angle the photo is taken in (high/low) point of view.
This photo I took shows a natural frame. Natural frame is when the photo is taken with a natural boarded around it.
This photo I took represents lines. There are 3 tryes of line horizontal, diagonal and diagonal. Each of these lines have there own emotional impression.This photo I took demonstraits Center of Interest. Center of interest is where your eye is automaticaly drawn to.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
PDN Artical
Artical: The Girl Project Lets Teens Reveal Their World
The link to this artical is on the link list to the side of the screen.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Shape and Form
Shape- Shape is a two dimentional and is enclosed by lines. The shape may be a geometric with straight, edges and angles
Form- Form is a two dimentional and artists use form when shading to create the illusoin of form, to create depth you would shade.
http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/eecabral/OOPSand.NET211102005075520AM/Images/shapes.jpg (bottom)
By: Janice & Abby
Posted by Strangely Evil at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds is the basics of photography. With the rule of thirds you brake down an image before and or after you take the photo. When you use the rule of thirds you simply brake down the picture into 3rds vertical and horizontal. This helps with placing your object so its no dead center in the frame. Its not necessarily a bad thing to place your fouces point in the middle but its nice to have a bit of verity.
http://www.allensphotoblog.com/blog1/images/WolfRuleThirds.jpg (bottom)
By:Abby & Janice
Posted by Strangely Evil at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Glass of water
This is a claymation video from one of my favorite web video makers =)I recommend you check out his sight its www.knoxskorner.com OR if you go on youtube type in knox's korner and you will probably find some of his videos
Posted by Strangely Evil at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
CyberARTS logo assignemnt
This is my cyber arts logo assignment. We had to create a company and a logo. I chose a peacock for my animal. I decided to use a peacock because peacocks are every colourful birds which reflect my personality. The peacock represents my company because when you think of a peacock the words that come to mind are graceful, proud,pretty, colourful and freedom. All those words that come to mind are what my company is all about. We will have beautiful colourful designs at your request. The design that you receive will be grace full and smooth.
The colours I choose for my coloured version were a light blue,light pink and a similar but darker shade of pink/purple. The colours i choose were cool toned colours. The light blue helps promote the feeling off calm,tranquility, understanding and & sophisticated.The light purple gives the immersion of royalty and sophistication. The purple/pink colour blends well with the purple. The colour also conveys the impression of power, nobility, luxury, and ambition power,nobility,luxury, and ambition. I decided to use black as a back drop because its helped make the peacock stand out. For the black and white My peacock is fully black with the eyes of the feathers outlined in black and the inside white. In both versions of the logo the feathers are long diagonal lines promote the feeling of poise, sophistication and strength.
Note: The second logo is not up due to difficulty's but will be up shortly
Posted by Strangely Evil at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
This is my 2nd art assighnment. We were asked to draw a chess peice with value and a background with movemet.
I ceated movement in the background by using lots of diagiol lines. The diagonal lines pull your eyes across the page. Theres a Larg cuved, almost ribin flowing lines. They move your eyes from the far left corner to the middle right half and then to the top left side.My chess peice was drawn from a eye level point of veiw. The light was reflecting off the right side twords the middle so in the drawning the least amount of shading was done there, then slowly begins to darken twords the sides.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 9:44 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
This is a photo of J.M.W Turners Burning of the house of Parliament. In this blog I'm going to be writing about 3 Qualities that people look for when they judge,mark of even view it, which are Imitation/Literal qualities, Emotional/Expressive qualities and Formalism/Design qualities.
This second paragraph is about Emotional and Expressive quality's. The moods in this painting that are created are chaos, disturbance and terror. The strokes J..M.W Turner used are short and quick creating an edge to the painting rather then using long soft strokes to create a calm mood. The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows, clash with the dark greens and blues which darken the mood of the painting.
The third paragraph is about Formalism and Design qualities. The painting qualities are very precise. Even though most of your attention is drawn to the fire at first glance it slowly moves around the page noticing other details in the painting, most of the emphasis is on the fire. Its the most boldest thing in the painting.
Posted by Strangely Evil at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
For my high school cyberARTS class we have been assigned to do blogs. So this is a sort of intro, if you wanna call it. :P I'm guessing that through out the months I'll be posting more and more things up along with weekly blogs ..... i think. So feel free to leave me comments and what not's =D I'd love to hear from anyone who decides to take the time out of there lifes to read somethings about me ^.^ laterz !
Posted by Strangely Evil at 2:08 PM 2 comments