Friday, November 7, 2008

Pinhole Photography

The photos above are Pinhole photos.
Our cyberARTS class took a trip down to gallery 44 to do a pinhole photography workshop. I found the workshop and activities very intresting. When we were given the forms for the trip it said that we would need a coffee tin with a lid. When we asked why our teacher said that we would be making a camera out of it. When we arrived at the gallery with out tin cans we went to a studio room and were sat down and had a brief presentation about pinhole photography, after that we began to construct our cameras. It was really easy to make the cameras. The first thing we had to do was spray paint the inside black with non-gloss spray pain. Once that was done we made a small hole about 2 cm round after that we took thin tin from muffin holders and poked a pin sized hole about 1/3 of a cm. The tin was taped over the hole with black eletrical tape so that it was light tight. After that all you had to do was put photo paper in the can (making sure the hole was covered) and put the lid on. (The loading of the camera was done in the dark room).The expereance I had was amazing. I learned how to make a camera out of a can, develop my own photos and spend the whole day downtown taking photos.

A pinhole camera is a simple but complicated camera to use. It is very simple because all you have to do it place the camera and un cover the appeture (lense), but it can be complicated if you dont know how long your exposure has to be, meaning how long you have to leave the camera for. A pinhole camera is very different then a digital camera. With a pinhole camera you can not view your photo until you fully develop it and turn your negitaves in to a positave,Unlike the digital where you have a viewing screen. A pinhole camera also takes any where from 30 sec. to 1min or more. The way a pinhole camera works is that when the apiture is uncovered it takes in all the light and projects an image on the photo paper inside. Wich becomes your negitave. Then you take it back and develop it.